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Package in Go is a kind of namespace:
All code written in Go belongs to a package.
Physically, a package is just a directory.
Directory names and the package names should be the same.
In a package directory, all source files belong to only one package.
A source code file should have a package
declaration as a first line in a file, always.
keyword allows you to use other packages
A package can have a same name with another package it they live inside separate directories.
Let’s you organise your code.
Enables reusability by allowing you to use other packages.
Helps to enable code encapsulation.
Represents a single concept.
Small and many.
We will call the packages named with main
and containing main
entry functions as program packages (or command packages), and call other packages as library packages. Program packages are not importable. Each Go program should contain one and only one program package.
So far, we understood everything there is about packages. Now, let’s combine our understanding of how a program initialises in Go.
At run time, a package will be loaded after all its dependency packages. Each package will be loaded once and only once.
All init
functions in all involved packages in a program will be invoked sequentially. An init
function in an importing package will be invoked after all the init
functions declared in the dependency packages of the importing package for sure. All init
functions will be invoked before invoking the main
entry function.
The invocation order of the init
functions in the same source file is from top to bottom.
All package-level variables declared in a package are initialized before any init
function declared in the same package is invoked.
When you name a package as internal
, it can only be imported from its parent directory’s packages. If you put into deeper sub-folders, one-step up, its parent packages can access it. Internal package is used to make specific packages unimportable.
Import internal packages:
For Go Toolchain, a package whose import path containing an internal
folder name is viewed as a special package. It can only be imported by the packages in and under the direct parent directory of the internal
folder. For example, package .../a/b/c/internal/d/e/f
and .../a/b/c/internal
can only be imported by the packages whose import paths have a .../a/b/c
В Go нет явных модификаторов видимости. Инкапсуляция делается автоматически:
Из пакета экспортируются все идентификаторы начинающиеся с заглавной буквы.
Все идентификаторы, начинающиеся с прописных букв являются локальными для пакета.
Те же правила применяются когда нужно сделать какое-то поле доступом в структуре или интерфейсе.
Даже если идентификатор является скрытым внутри пакета его объект может быть возвращен публичной функцией и использован в клиентском коде.
Инкапсулируются только имена, а не значения.
Packages are imported with import
An import
path is a string that uniquely identifies a package.
A package's import
path corresponds to its location inside a workspace or in a remote repository.
Standard library packages can be imported by its name only (rather than full path).
When importing other packages, it’s a good idea to supply the full path.
Packages are imported only once. You can import
the same package in many packages, and, it will be imported only once.
Go does not allow you to have a circular dependency between packages.
You can also write multiple import statements:
By convention, the package name is the same as the last element of the import path. For instance, the "math/rand"
package comprises files that begin with the statement package rand
When importing a package, you can refer only to its exported names. Any "unexported" names are not accessible from outside the package.
The blank identifier allows the compiler to accept the import and call any init functions that can be found in the different code files within that package.
This is a technique in Go to allow initialization from a package to occur, even if you don’t directly use any identifiers from the package. To make your programs more readable, the Go compiler won’t let you declare a package to be imported if it’s not used.
It allows the identifiers in the imported package to be referred to in the local file block without a qualifier.
Import declaration Local name of Sin
If you have lengthy comments for the package (such as the extensive formatting documentation in the fmt
package), the convention is to put the comments in a file in your package called doc.go